Categories for Home Preparations

Preparing A Budget For Homeownership

As you prepare your budget for homebuying, you should also consider that you will need a budget once you complete your home purchase. Being more aware of the costs associated with homeownership can prepare you for the road ahead. Let’s break if down into one-time costs and recurring costs: One-Time ...

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Bring Home The Holiday Feeling

Living in Florida during the holiday season doesn’t always bring out the most traditional feels that is most associated with this time of year. We don’t see snow or put our mittens on to go outside. We aren’t rushing home for a hot cup of cocoa or to warm up ...

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Improvements To Make – And Not Make – Before Selling Your Home

Getting your home ready to sell is no small feat and there are many decisions to be made. Your goal is to make your house more marketable in the current market conditions. However, it can be daunting to select which improvements need to be made, and which ones you can ...

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